Moving the rock to the center of a dream
Curling Jamaica brings together Jamaicans from around
the world who want to learn how to play the sport of curling.

Our Story
It began with a Jamaican-Canadian who became passionate about curling and dreamed of sharing this sport with other Jamaicans. The dream reached like-minded Jamaicans and long-time players of the sport who wanted to see their country on the world stage. Curling Jamaica was created to promote the sport of curling to Jamaicans and create an international path to represent the nation. The Curling Jamaica vision is to identify young athletes from Jamaica, teach, coach and train them to achieve the goal of Jamaica standing at the top of the Olympic Podium in 12-16 years! Curling Jamaica is recognized by the Jamaica Olympic Association and is the 67th member country of the World Curling Federation. Curling Jamaica, the dream, is finally a reality!